Dailies Collections I-IV

Varying page counts, 8.5" x 5.5", 2018-2023

Ongoing collections of “daily” diary comics from November 2017 to the present. Most of the comics included were first published online on Instagram. A fifth collection is incoming (possibly in the form of a compendium that would include all five volumes in one book)

I Heard You Like Movies

28 pages, 6" x 5", 2022

A compilation of watercolor studies inspired by various films.

A Walk Around Orquevaux

59 pages, 7" x 5.5", 2022

The self-published edition of a comic drawn during the January 2022 Chateau Orquevaux residency. The entire story can be read online on Substack. The book includes a risograph printed cover in black and light gray. 

The Checkout Counter

29 pages, 10.5" x 7.5", 2019

A risograph-printed edition of 90 zines collecting comics that combine my background in art history with stories about working in retail. Published by Paper Cuts.


38 pages, 4.5" x 4.5", 2019

A risograph-printed edition of 35 zines compiling drawings from my art history notebooks circa 2015-2017.

The Forgotten Sketches

28 pages, approx. 8.5" x 7", 2018

A risograph-printed edition of 34 zines that compiled observational sketches from 2015-2018 that, until then, had been forgotten within various sketchbooks.

Book of Kings (I & II)

8 pages, 4.25" x 2.75", 2018

Two “magic book” folded zines that serve as an homage to Shah Tahmasp I’s elaborately illustrated manuscript of the Shanameh, or the Persian Book of Kings. In particular, the two zines represent the concept of bazm u razm, or “feasting and fighting.” 


“Book of Kings I” focuses on razm (conflict/fighting), and excerpts illustrations from Shah Tahmasp I’s Shanameh that depict exaggerated and excessive violence. “Book of Kings II” focuses on bazm(feasting/celebration), and excerpts illustrations from the same manuscript that depict feasts and other leisure activities. 

Both zines unfold to reveal more information on the history of Shah Tahmasp I’s Shanameh.

30 Minutes in Richmond

8 pages, 9" x 6", 2018

True to the title, this comic follows two friends as they take a thirty minute stroll down Main Street in Richmond, VA. Read the full story here.


26 pages, 9" x 6", 2017

“JOAN” is an expanded edition of a comic collection I created for my undergraduate thesis. This series of comics depicts a cartoon version of Joan of Arc loosely inspired by George Bernard Shaw’s play “Saint Joan.” The comics included in this volume were produced between 2009 and 2013, and the book contains additional illustrations from 2009, 2013, and 2014.


12 pages, approx. 8.5" x 5.5", 2017

A record of the observations and unexpected encounters that occur while waiting to board a plane at Ronald Reagan National Airport.

My Friend Once Told Me...

8 pages, 5" x 5.", 2017

A zine based on a text conversation with a friend. This zine relies on found and created digital images paired with text, and takes advantage of the pacing possibilities of the book form. The front and back covers show screenshots from the 1933 film “Ecstasy” starring Hedy Lamarr, which is possibly the first non-pornographic movie that depicts the female orgasm.